sharon 19th April 2010

Listening to your last fav song! (HUMAN) chills me to bone!!! used to be my fave song! but now i find it hard to listen too!!! if only you had come to me with your probs!!! im no expert babes but if iv learned anything! its not to let your debts take over your life!!! FUCK em all!!! let them chase me! life is too short to worry about debt! i only wish i could have saved you!!! some people say that i have a very childish appraoch on life!! well i disagree!!! im 30! got 2 beautiful children, dont have a place to live unless between mums and stewarts, but i do have my independance and not much debt!!! not bad for 30 hey??? i know you will and always proud of me and only wish i could of got you away from that evil witch and saved you my love!!! Sorry i failed you! nobody is perfect my kid xxx